Book Review: Keep Her Secret by Mark Edwards

Title: Keep Her Secret

Author: Mark Edwards

Genre: Thriller, Mystery

When Matthew, a kind, trusting man in his early forties, suggests that he and his alluring new girlfriend, Helena, take a spontaneous trip to Iceland, the last thing that he expects is to hear a shock confession that she murdered her ex-husband. However, when Helena has an unexpected brush with death when she slips off the edge of a cliff whilst taking an ill-timed selfie on her phone, Matthew is faced with the dilemma of deciding how to deal with her shocking secret.

Infatuated by his new lover – and somewhat blind to her faults – Matthew is quick to overlook Helena’s past. However, things are not quite as they seem, and when Devon, a young fellow traveller, overhears Helena’s full confession later that evening, the couple are pushed to their absolute limits in an unfolding tale of blackmail, intrigue, and murder.

Keep Her Secret is a fast-paced, relationship-driven thriller that keeps the reader constantly guessing. From the very first chapter, Edward seizes the reader’s attention, as he paints a picture of a man who is lonely, isolated, and desperate for love. The story itself is not set in Iceland, but back in England, with Helena’s accident setting the scene for a series of clever plot twists.

It is clear from the outset that Matthew, whose loyalty to Helena is unsurpassed, is willing to do anything for his lover, even though they have only been together for a matter of weeks. He candidly admits that he finds her status as a ‘black widow’ somewhat arousing, and he is attracted to her strength (and brutality), which juxtaposes with his own submissive attitude.

Indeed, the issue of infatuation, and how far one person will go in order to protect another in the name of love, is a key theme that runs throughout the novel. Helena satisfies Matthew’s subconscious need to be led by another, and Edwards is adept at portraying the extent of Matthew’s adrenaline-fuelled addiction to Helena, and all that she represents.

Although written in the third person, and mainly from Matthew’s point of view in the first half of the book, Helena’s perspective is gradually introduced. This is helpful in building suspense throughout the story. At first, we cannot help but feel mistrustful and suspicious of Helena (after all, she did confess to killing her husband); but by being able to identify with her through hearing about her traumatic experiences at the hands of Lee, (her abusive ex-husband) and all that he put her through, we are won over to believing her version of events. This creates an atmosphere of distrust, where, as a reader, we no longer know who to believe.

Keep Her Secret is plot-driven, but also character-driven as well. The dynamic between Helena and Matthew is an interesting one, which arouses equal measures of admiration and distaste (Mathew is unbearably naive and gullible for a man in his forties). There are also a motley cast of background characters (such Devon’s elusive flatmate, Robin, and Lee’s ex-colleague), all of whom contribute to steadily driving the plot onwards and building tension.

Some of the characters’ actions are a little random, and Matthew himself does sometimes appear unbelievably ill-prepared and incompetent, which can be a little frustrating for the reader. It might have been interesting to have heard Devon’s point of view at some point – as her actions are the main driving force behind the story – and it would have been helpful to understand her unique viewpoint. Overall, Keep Her Secret is a well-crafted mystery thriller that is suspenseful, character-driven, and compelling. Edwards has created fallible characters that the reader can root for, and fans of thrillers will no doubt enjoy this fast-paced story.

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